Teknologisk Institut – Acoplastic case

Teknologisk Institut – Acoplastic case “Teknologisk Institut hjalp os til at kortlægge vores reststrømme fra produktionen og til at identificere mulige aftagere. Vi anbefaler på det kraftigste at anvende Tekno- logisk Institut til at gøre rest- strømme til værdistrømme.” – Carsten Grue Andreassen, CFO, Acoplastic A/S I casen fra Teknologisk Institut kan du læse hvordan…


Acoplastic expands our production with a new Okuma Multus B300W

Acoplastic expands our production with a new Okuma Multus B300W Our new Okuma Multus B300W Green Smart Machine arrived last week. It is equipped with the brand new P500 controller is a compact Multitask machine. This machine can archive the highest precision and are able to produce very complex parts because the 5 axis capabilities. The…


Acoplastic continues to develop our technology platform

Acoplastic continues to develop our technology platform Acoplastic is again investing in new machinery to continuously be on the forefront of increasing demands from our valuable customers. In January 2023 Acoplastic received our first Okuma Multus B250 II. Acoplastic can hereby expand our machine park with a 5-axis (100% simultaneous) CNC machine with sub-spindle. The…


Acoplastic Holding ApS buys 51% of the shares in Kirk Plast Complete A/S

Acoplastic Holding ApS buys 51% of the shares in Kirk Plast Complete A/S Acoplastic Holding ApS, which through its subsidiary Acoplastic A/S in Espergærde supplies advanced solutions in PTFE and other high-performance plastics to leading industrial companies, is now expanding its solution models for customers with investments in the injection molding company Kirk Plast Complete…


Acoplastic a Climate-Fit Manufacturing Company

Acoplastic a Climate-Fit Manufacturing Company One of Acoplastic’s goals is to be recognized as a sustainable company. On top of this, we are meeting increasing demand from valued customers to provide an overview of our CO₂ footprint and share our reduction plans. Acoplastic has therefore now participated in the training of and received a diploma…


Training at Acoplastic

Training at Acoplastic Currently we are conducting Mastercam Mill-Turn training sessions for a team of our younger employees. Mastercam Mill-Turn programming streamlines high-power multistream machine centers for increased performance and safety. Thereby we can reduce multiple setups, manual part handling, redundant fixturing, and idle time for improved productivity in our production e.g., on our new…


Reliability isn't expensive, it's priceless