Introducing: The Hyundai WIA L4000 machine

Introducing: The Hyundai WIA L4000 machine  At Acoplastic we are excited to share our newest investment! The Hyundai WIA L4000 is designed to deliver several key benefits that will enhance your machining operations. Here’s what you get from this high-performance machine: 1. Exceptional Precision Tight Tolerances & Superior Surface Finish: The Hyundai WIA L4000 ensures…

100% Green Energy in 2025

100% Green Energy in 2025 We are proud to announce that Acoplastic will run on electricity produced 100% by water power from January 1st, 2025.  Converting to 100% green energy is another big environmental step and we continue to strive to help the environment.  Our energy will be delivered by Norsk Elkraft Danmark. Norsk Elkraft…

Our first EcoVadis medal!

Acoplastic in the top 35% We are happy to share that we got our first Ecovadis medal! We are currently in the top 35% of companies assessed by Ecovadis!   What do EcoVadis Medals and Badges mean? EcoVadis Medals and Badges recognize eligible companies that have completed the EcoVadis assessment process and demonstrated a relatively…

We joined EcoVadis

We joined EcoVadis In our last post about our new 3-year strategy you could read about Acoplastic taking new initiatives. We proceed along the green road. Having joined EcoVadis recently we can get an objective measurement of our sustainability work. EcoVadis was founded in 2007 and launched their first office in Paris. EcoVadis is a…

We updated our 3-year strategy

New strategy for 2025-2027 At Acoplastic we update our 3-year strategy every summer in order to include the latest developments that may impact our way forward. This summer was no exception, and we have now issued the plan for 2025-2027. Not surprisingly, growth is still one of our key goals. We wish to support and…

Teknologisk Institut – Acoplastic case

Teknologisk Institut – Acoplastic case “Teknologisk Institut hjalp os til at kortlægge vores reststrømme fra produktionen og til at identificere mulige aftagere. Vi anbefaler på det kraftigste at anvende Tekno- logisk Institut til at gøre rest- strømme til værdistrømme.” – Carsten Grue Andreassen, CFO, Acoplastic A/S I casen fra Teknologisk Institut kan du læse hvordan…

Maskinarbejder/industritekniker eller lign. (Danish)

Er du maskinarbejder/industritekniker eller lign. med lyst til nye udfordringer? Acoplastic A/S søger en dygtig og erfaren medarbejder til produktionen, som består af engagerede og fagligt dygtige medarbejdere. Acoplastic producerer maskinbearbejdede kritiske maskindele i PTFE og andre high tech plastmaterialer. Vi har eget blanderi og presser selv rør til videre bearbejdning på CNC-maskiner. Vores produktion…

Acoplastic continues to develop our technology platform

Acoplastic continues to develop our technology platform Acoplastic is again investing in new machinery to continuously be on the forefront of increasing demands from our valuable customers. In January 2023 Acoplastic received our first Okuma Multus B250 II. Acoplastic can hereby expand our machine park with a 5-axis (100% simultaneous) CNC machine with sub-spindle. The…